Convegno internazionale
Ethnicity in Europe: Sociopolitical and Cultural Processes
The organizers of the conference are Rezekne Higher Educational Institution Dept. of Philology (Latgalia/Latvia), the Centre for Latvian Studies of Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas/Lithuania), Dept. of Language Policy & Minority Studies, A. Mickiewicz University (Poznan/Poland), Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca.
The conference secretaries/Registration Office:
Sanita Lazdņna
Rēzeknes Augstskola
Atbrīvosanas aleja 115,
Rēzeknē, LV-4600
Tel.: (371) 46 25841 Fakss: (371) 46 22681
Since January 2006, Rezekne Higher Educational Institution (RHEI) Department of Philology in cooperation with Centre d`etudes linguistiques pour l`Europe (Italy) has been carrying out the common project "A Survey of the Ethnolinguistic Situation in Latgale". The project investigates ethnical and linguistic processes in Latgale, drawing attention to the influence of religion and language on both the (concrete) micro-environment (individual, family) and the macro-environment (community, society). Data collected during the project will be summarized until January 2007.
The conference will be organized in order to present and evaluate the results of the project and to work out practical recommendations for developing fields such as language policy, culture and education. We would like to share experiences with experts from other countries and regions. Hence we invite scientists and practical persons (representatives of culture, education, mass media, etc.) of the fields mentioned above to participate in our conference.
The conference intends to provide the frame for interdisciplinary discourse in the following fields:
1. Sociolinguistics and Ethnolinguistics
2. Language Policy and Language Planning
3. Language Education
4. History of Culture, Art
5. Philosophy, History of Religions
6. Folklore, Literary Science
7. Social Sciences
The languages of the conference will be Latgalian, Latvian, English and Russian. Translation will be provided if necessary.
Presentation time: 15 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion.