Ferrara International Phonology Meeting

Da giovedì 09 ottobre 2014 a venerdì 10 ottobre 2014

Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici


Phonological questions for the next decade


Ferrara, 9-10 October 2014


L’incontro internazionale di fonologia si terrà a Ferrara dal 9 al 10 ottobre 2014 e rappresenterà un’occasione di confronto per gli studiosi di linguistica generativa. Scopo dell’incontro sarà individuare le questioni empiricamente e teoricamente cruciali per la ricerca nella fonologia a medio e lungo termine. La partecipazione all'incontro è libera. Il programma è disponibile nella sezione "Agenda".


Per maggiori informazione, consultare la pagina dell'Università di Ferrara dedicata all'evento: 


Interventi: Andrea Calabrese, Mirko Grimaldi, John Harris, Rita Manzini, Giovanna Marotta, Marc van Oostendorp,
Leonardo Savoia, Tobias Scheer

Comitato scientifico: Laura Bafile, Rita Manzini, Leonardo Savoia 


Thursday 9 October

8,30 Registration
8.45 Welcome
9,00 Andrea Calabrese - Department of Linguistics University of Connecticut
On the morpho-phonology of metaphonic alternations in some Italian dialects. What do they tell us about the organization of the grammar?

9.45 David Ta-Chun Shen - National Taiwan Normal University
Mbe Nasal Affixation in Search-Based Approach

10,15 Joan Mascaró - CLT-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
The role of contrast in stress-dependent harmony


10,45 Coffee break

11,15 Diana Passino - Università di Padova
Metaphonies and metaphony

11,45 Jonathan Bucci - Laboratoire BCL UMR7320 - Université Nice - Sophia Antipolis
Mid vowels alternation in Coratino: a story of heads

12,15 Mirko Grimaldi - Centro di Ricerca Interdisciplinare sul Linguaggio (CRIL) - Università del Salento
Electrophysiological Evidence of Vowels Segregation and Representation in Human Auditory Cortex

13 - 14,30 Lunch Break

14,30 Tobias Scheer - Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis, CNRS 7320
Phonology, its two interfaces and why animals don't have it

15,15 Martin Fortuna - University of Munich
Reducing the morphosyntax-phonology interface in CVCV to the representational channel

15,45 Shanti Ulfsbjorninn - SOAS
Diphthongs Under Stress: Rejecting moraic versus syllabic feet from Oceanic microparametric variation

16,15 Coffee break

16,45 Poster session

17,45 M. Rita Manzini - Università di Firenze
Which syntactic information gets interpreted by phonosyntactic processes? Evidence from /u/ propagation in Southern Italian dialects

18,30 J. Joseph Perry - University of Cambridge
Cyclically Conditioned Prosodic Constituents

Friday 10 October

9,00 Giovanna Marotta - Università di Pisa
The features [tense] and [long]: a dangerous liaison

9,45 Ali Tifrit & Laurence Voeltzel - Université de Nantes

A Restricted Privative Hierarchy: More Structure, Less Elements

10,15 Marc van Oostendorp - Universiteit Leiden
Repulsion and attraction in phonology
11,00 Coffee break

11,30 Leonardo M. Savoia - Università di Firenze
Tonic nuclei in the context of nasals and liquids; a testing ground for theory

12,15 Kristján Árnason - University of Iceland, Reykjavík
How to analyse phonological diasystems: the case of Faroese

12,45 John Harris - University College London
Modulate to demarcate: putting the squeeze on final consonants

13,30 Conference closing



Stefano Canalis - Università di Bologna
Transparency and locality in metaphony

Typhanie Prince - Université de Nantes
An Architecture of the Phonology of Aphasia: From Segment to Syllable

Faith Chiu & Shanti Ulfsbjorninn - University College London, SOAS
Revising the Element Theory representation of place: a neurobiogical account of lenition



Birgit Alber, Alessandro Vietti & Barbara Vogt - Università di Verona, Libera Università di Bolzano, Università degli Studi di Trieste
Phonetics and Phonology - Laryngeal contrasts in Tyrolean

Laura Bafile - Università di Ferrara
What has happened to Elements? Questions for the next decade

Stefano Canalis - Università di Bologna
Transparency and locality in metaphony

Faith Chiu & Shanti Ulfsbjorninn - University College London - SOAS
Revising the Element Theory representation of place: a neurobiogical account of lenition

Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kolaczyk - Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
Explaining phonotactics using NAD

Ioanna Kappa - University of Crete
Loanwords in Greek: Repair of Non-Native Vowels

Rosangela Lai - Università di Firenze
A unified account of Sardinian metatheses in terms of lateral relations

Marta Meneguzzo - Università di Verona
Consonant clusters in Trentino dialects and Standard Italian: an optimality-theoretic analysis

Typhanie Prince - Université de Nantes
An Architecture of the Phonology of Aphasia: From Segment to Syllable

In sintesi

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