UNIVERSITÀ PER STRANIERI DI SIENA Centro di Ricerca e di Servizio DITALS Certificazione di Competenza in Didattica dell'Italiano a Stranieri |
International Meeting on
Training, Quality and Certification in Foreign Language Teaching
La valutazione delle competenze del docente di L2 in Europa e in Canada (workshop sui descrittori di competenze)
Comparing Methods of Assessing Language Teachers in Europe and (workshop on competence descriptors) |
FEBRUARY 9th- 10th , 2009
The aim of the meeting, organized by the DITALS Centre of the University for Foreigners in Siena (Italy), is to discuss methods of assessment and evaluation criteria in Foreign Language Teaching (Knowledge and Abilities) comparing tests like TKT (for English) and DITALS (for Italian) with the 6 levels of EAQUALS profiling grid, in order to achieve some agreement on a common policy development, that promote quality language teaching and the development of plurilingual and intercultural competences in future generations of language learners.
As a means to achieve this aim, the meeting aims to enable participants to compare good practice in language teacher training in Europe and beyond (
Representatives from language teacher training certification bodies will also be available to facilitate discussion of the main issues relating to certain teaching assessment methods for teachers of English, German, French, Italian in Europe and
Scientific and Organizing Committee: Centro DITALS (Università per Stranieri di Siena): Prof. Pierangela Diadori, Dr. Stefania Semplici, Dr. Elena Monami, Dr. Caterina Gennai, Dr. Letizia Vignozzi, Dr. Roberto Tomassetti, in collaboration with Siena-Toronto Centre (Università di Siena): Prof. Laura Ferri and Sandro Forconi.
Registration form: http://www.unistrasi.it/online/IscrConvDitals.asp
Contacts: monami@unistrasi.it **39-0577-240315
Registration |
8:30-9 am |
Introduction |
9-9:30 am |
9:30-10am |
Pierangela Diadori
Univ. Stranieri Siena, Italy |
Methods of assessment of the Università per Stranieri di Siena: DITALS Certification for teachers of IFL |
10-10:30am |
Klaus Brodersen Goethe Institut Germany |
Methods of assessment of Goethe Institut for teachers of GFL |
10:30 -11am |
Nick Charge, |
Methods of assessment of the |
11-11:30 am |
Coffee-break |
11:30-12pm |
Valérie Lemeunier CIEP Sèvres, France |
Methods of assessment of CIEP for teachers of FFL |
12-12:30pm |
Antoinette Gagne OISE Toronto, Canada |
Methods of assessment for language teachers in |
12:30 am-1:30 pm |
Chair : Pierangela Diadori and Richard Rossner |
WORKSHOP: comparing methods of assessment and relevant competence descriptors |
1:30-3:00pm |
Lunch |
3:00-4:00pm |
Jim Cummins OISE |
Methods of assessment in |
4:00-4:15pm |
Coffee-break |
4:15-5:15pm |
Brian North, EAQUALS |
A "Profiling Grid for Language Teaching Professionals": discussing EAQUALS descriptors |
5:15-6:00pm |
Richard Rossner, EAQUALS |
Discussion on methods of assessment and the Profiling Grid |
Introduction |
9-9:30 am |
9:30am -12:00pm |
Chair: Pierangela Diadori Antoinette Gagne Richard Rossner |
WORKSHOP: comparing methods of assessment and relevant competence descriptors with EAQUALS Profiling Grid |
12 :00- 12 :30 pm |
Final discussion |
* The presence of Prof. Jim Cummins in
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