Achard Michel (Rice University) Constructional clusters: French cela, ça and c' from 1100-1800
Arcodia Giorgio Francesco (Università di Pavia) Grammaticalization and lexical derivation: word formation schemas in Mandarin Chinese
Ariel Mira (Tel Aviv University) The intransitivization of English reflexive constructions
Askedal John Ole (University of Oslo) 'Construction Grammaticalization' in the history of Mainland Scandinavian
Biq Yung-O (National Taiwan Normal University) From anaphora to topicalization: The grammaticalization of Chinese 3rd person singular pronoun in Mandarin conversation
Bourdin Philippe (Université Paris X and York University - Toronto) What, if anything, counts as a grammaticalization pathway? The case of so-called ventive and itive passives
Boye Kasper & Peter Harder (University of Copenhagen) Encoded secondariness: A functional theory of grammaticalization and grammatical status
Breban Tine (K.U.Leuven & Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders) Deictification of adjectives as an example of constructional change in the English noun phrase
Breitbarth Anne, Christopher Lucas, David Willis (University of Cambridge) Never again: the regrammaticalization of never as a marker of sentential negation in English
Brems Lieselotte (K.U.Leuven) Meshing grammaticalization with construction grammar: the synchronic layering of English size noun patterns as collocationally constrained constructions
Brucale Luisa (University of Palermo) Grammaticalization of actional values: re-prefixation in archaic Latin
Chen Chenju (National Tsing Hua University) A Case Study on the Grammaticalization of Adverbs of Quantification in Mandarin Chinese
Chen I-Hsuan (National Tsing Hua University) Grammaticalization of Causative Verbs in Earlier Southern Min Texts: A Comparison between Southern Min and Mandarin
Conradie C Jac (University of Johannesburg) A temporal to epistemic/modal/pragmatic grammaticalization cline
Coussé Evie (Ghent University) Roadblocks along grammaticalization pathways
Creissels Denis (University of Lyon) Grammaticalizing intersubjectivity: The emergence of assertive agreement in Akhvakh
Da Milano Federica, Paolo Ramat (Università di Milano-Bicocca, Università di Pavia) Absolute constructions in the Romance languages: a grammaticalization path
De Mulder Walter & Lamiroy Beatrice (U Antwerpen - K.U.Leuven) Stages of grammaticalization: the position of French among the other Romance languages
De Vogelaer Gunther (FWO Flanders / Ghent University) Dialect levelling, degrammaticalisation, and entrenchment
Defour Tine, Ulrique Dhondt, Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen, Dominique Willems (Ghent University) In fact, de fait, en fait, au fait: A contrastive study of the diachronic development of English and French cognates
Dehé Nicole and Anne Wichmann (FU Berlin and University of Central Lancashire) The prosody of initial comment clauses - evidence for main clause or discourse status
DeLancey Scott (University of Oregon) Finite Structures from Clausal Nominalization in Tibeto-Burman
Devos Maud (Royal Museum for Central Africa) Grammaticalization and prohibitive constructions in Bantu
Diewald Gabriele and Elena Smirnova (University of Hanover) Construction types in grammaticalization: an attempt to establish a 'constructionist' grammaticalization scenario
Edison Chang Chun (National Tsing Hua University) Grammaticalization of OAN5 'finish' in Southern Min: A Diachronic Perspective
Ekberg Lena (Lund University) The emergence of a new determiner in Swedish
Elvira Javier (Universidad Autónoma, Madrid) Difficult labelling: extracategorial lexicalization in Spanish
Fruyt Michèle (University of Paris 4-Sorbonne) The relationships between grammaticalization, lexicalization and analogy in the evolution of Latin
Gafter Roey (Tel Aviv University) Motivating the (non-random) distribution of plural feminine pronouns in Hebrew: The role of Humanness
Gehweiler Elke (Freie Universität Berlin) 'Mere speculation'?: criteria for the 'grammaticalizedness' of attributive adjectives
Gergel, Remus (University of Tuebingen) 'Rather': A Semantic Diachronic Account
Ghesquière Lobke (University of Leuven) The clines of grammaticality and (inter)subjectivity in the prenominal string of the English NP
Giannoulopoulou Giannoula (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) The emergence of the Greek definite article
Gisborne Nikolas (University of Edinburgh) Construction grammars and grammaticalization
González-Díaz Victorina (University of Liverpool) "It's not a great exciting picture, you know": grammaticalisation, subjectivisation and DIMENSION adjectives in English
Grinevald Colette and Caroline Imbert (Laboratory "Dynamique du Language" (DDL) - CNRS / University of Lyon 2) Twenty years of relational preverbs: a grammaticalization account
Halevy Rivka (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) The grammaticalization 'chains' of the subject coreferential dative in Semitic and elsewhere
Hanke Thomas (FU Berlin, Berlin Utrecht Reciprocals Survey) Bipartite reciprocal markers: competing constructions as a support group
Hansen Bjoern & Ferdinand de Haan (University of Regensburg & Tucson /Arizona) What's a modal? - Some preliminary observations on Modals in the Languages of Europe
Heller Brooke and Chad Howe (University of Georgia) Raising parentheticals as discourse particles
Higashiizumi Yuko (Tokyo Gakugei University) Contrastive studies in grammaticalization and subjectification: the case of causal clauses in English and Japanese
Hock Hans Henrich (University of Illinois, Urbana Champain) There is more to morphological change...
Hsiao Pei-Yi (National Tsing Hua University) Grammaticalization of the Wh-word Sheme 'What' as an Expression of Negative Mood in Chinese
Iacobini Claudio (University of Salerno) Paths of grammaticalization of post-verbal particles expressing direction in Romance motion verbs
Ishiyama Osamu (Ball State University & University at Buffalo - SUNY) Grammaticalization and Semantic Change of Personal Pronouns in a 'Pronoun-less' Language
Jacinto Joana Custódia Gomes (Faculdade de Filosofia Centro Regional de Braga - Universidade Católica Portuguesa) From Possession to the Portuguese Compound Perfect - an unparalleled case of Grammaticalization with semantic import
Kim Joungmin and Kaoru Horie (Tohoku University) The Emerging Sentence-Final 'Attributive' Quotative Construction in Korean Web-based Communication: A Contrastive Study with Japanese
Kim Minju (Claremont McKenna College) Grammaticalization, analogy, and analogically-oriented grammaticalization: A corpus-based study of the development of the Korean existential verb construction isi-e
Knoob Stefan (University of London) On the grammaticalisation of schematic constructions and construction families: Korean CAUSATIVE and DESIDERATIVE constructions
Koo Hyun Jung and Seongha Rhee (Sang Myung University and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) Manipulated Hypotheticality in Conditionals: A Journey in Search of Strength and Diversity
Kranich Svenja (Universität Hamburg) Grammaticalization, subjectification and the layering of meanings: How to deal with the semantics of the present-day English progressive
Krug Manfred (University of Bamberg) On the ideal pronunciation of idea in context: Internal and social parameters at the grammar-phonology interface
Kwon, Kyongjoon (Harvard University) Global and local grammaticalization: The emergence of the nominative object construction
Lange Claudia (Technische Universitaet Dresden) "It was basically a 'flop'" - Sentence adverbs invoking scalarity and theories of grammaticalization
Lecki Andrzej (University of Silesia) How "perfect" was the Old English HABBAN + past participle periphrasis?
Lenz Alexandra N. (Deutscher Sprachatlas) On the grammaticalization of GIVE and GET verbs in West Germanic languages
Lopes Laura da Cunha de Assis (Universidade de São Paulo) Grammaticalization of the structure ir + estar + verb in the present participle in cultured Brazilian Portuguese
López Izquierdo, Marta and Viola Miglio (Université Paris 8; University of California, Santa Barbara) A multifactorial approach to Grammaticalization and Lexicalization: the case of Spanish 'dizque'
Loureiro-Porto Lucía (Universitat de les Illes Balears) On the grammaticalization of periphrastic modals of necessity in English
Manolescu Alis (The University of Texas at Austin) The grammaticalization of the future expressions in Romanian: a diachronic and synchronic analysis
Mauri, Caterina and Andrea Sansò (Università di Pavia / Università dell'Insubria, Como) The grammaticalization of directive modality
Melis, Chantal and Marcela Flores (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) How do 'constructions' emerge? A case study of Spanish
Meyer Paul Georg and Elma Kerz (RWTH Aachen University) 'NP be found/shown/seen/observed to Vinf': Grammaticalization of evidentiality in the register of academic writing?
Molina Clara & Romano Manuela (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) Grammaticalizing JUST: Cross-linguistic insights into polycentric categories
Mortelmans Jesse (University of Antwerp) Parallel determiner grammaticalization in Late Latin and Middle French
Mortier Liesbeth (Université catholique de Louvain) Subjectifying aspect: continuative periphrases in French and Dutch
Noël Dirk (The University of Hong Kong) Revisiting be supposed to from a diachronic construction grammar perspective
Papahagi Cristiana (University of Cluj, Romania & Dynamique du Langage (CNRS-Lyon 2) Grammaticalization under Areal Influence. The Case of Verbal Modifiers in Romanian
Pardeshi Prashant (Kobe University) Synchronic exploration in search of diachronic paths: An areal-typological study of the grammaticalization of 'PUT/KEEP' in Northeast, Central, and South Asian languages
Petré Peter (University of Leuven, FWO-Vlaanderen) On bottle-necks in grammaticalization: the case of become
Pietrandrea Paola (Università Roma TRE) Constructionalization, grammaticalization and discourse. The case of magari
Rhee Seongha (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) The Ground in the Mind: Subjectification and Intersubjectification in Grammaticalization of Korean THE 'ground'
Rodrigues Angélica (Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Brazil) Grammaticalization of ir (go) and pegar (take) through foi fez constructions in Brazilian Portuguese
Rodríguez-Puente Paula (University of Santiago de Compostela) The effects of lexicalization, grammaticalization and idiomatization on phrasal verbs in English: The case of phrasal combinations with get
Ronan Patricia (University of Uppsala) On Grammaticalisation of Periphrastic Tense and Aspect Constructions in Irish and Welsh
Rosenkvist Henrik (Lund University) On the Emergence of Anticonditional Meaning
Russi Cinzia (The University of Texas at Austin) Grammaticalization and lexicalization at work together: some evidence from Italian
Sahkai Heete (Tallinn University) Implications of a formal idiom for the theory of grammaticalization - Estonian Adessive Manner and Cause Adverbials
Sanaphre Monica (Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Mexico / Rice Univesity) The Origin and Evolution of Causative Constructions in Spanish
Sansò, Andrea and Anna Giacalone Ramat (Insubria University, Como / University of Pavia) Is there life after grammaticalization? The modal character of reflexive passives and impersonals
Schiering René (Universität Leipzig/Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) Reconsidering erosion in grammaticalization: Evidence from cliticization
Schoesler, Lene (University of Copenhagen) The importance of absence: alternation between expressed and unexpressed second argument (A2)
Schwenter Scott (The Ohio State University) Dialogicity and the Emergence of Sentential Negation
Shindo Mika (Kyoto University) From visual adjective to modalized intensifier: A cross-linguistic study of grammaticalization
Smirnova Elena (University of Hanover) Some remarks on the role of subjectification in grammaticalization
Soares da Silva Augusto (Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Braga) Size and (inter)subjectification: the case of Portuguese diminutive and augmentative
Sommerer Lotte (University of Vienna) Getting going on a path: Old English noun phrase typology and the emergence of the definite article 'the'
Stolz, Thomas (University of Bremen) Grammatica ex nihilo? Total reduplication and grammaticalisation
Stulic-Etchevers Ana (University of Bordeaux, AMERIBER - GRIAL) Place of analogy in grammaticalisation process: the case of Judeo-Spanish interrogative pronoun loké (lo qué)
Sung Li-May and Lihsin Sung (National Taiwan University) The Use of yau in Kavalan
Szczepaniak Renata (University of Mainz) The animacy scale as metonymic chain in grammaticalization - From sex-denoting *in* to a gender suffix in German
Tamm Anne (University of Florence and Institute of the Estonian Language) Variation, change, and the Estonian partitive evidential
Tarpent Marie-Lucie (Mount Saint Vincent University) From erosion to renovation: the emergence of the Coast Tsimshian preposition da
Usoniene Aurelia & Jasionyte Erika (Vilnius University) On the Grammaticalization of the Lithuanian verb GAUTI ('get')
Van Bogaert Julie (Ghent University) The interrogative mental state predicates do you think, do you suppose and do you believe: a corpus-based synchronic study of grammaticalization
Van de Velde Freek (University of Leuven) Grammaticalisation resulting in abstract constructions: adding new branches to the NP tree
van der Horst Joop & Freek Van de Velde (University of Leuven) Changes in the syntax of prepositions. Towards a constructional approach to grammaticalisation
Van Goethem Kristel (K.U.Leuven / F.W.O.-Vlaanderen) From adjective to prefix: lexicalization and grammaticalization of French ancien/nouveau + N
Van Olmen Daniël (University of Antwerp) Looking at 'look' and 'kijk': a corpus-based, contrastive approach to the rise of discourse markers out of imperatives of perception in English and Dutch
Van Rompaey Tinne (K.U.Leuven) Be in the middle, midst or process of: Grammaticalization from head noun over complex preposition into progressive marker in the verb phrase
Vázquez Rozas Victoria & Marcos García Salido (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela) Another look at a case in point: a discourse-based analysis of object clitic doubling in Spanish
Verbeke Saartje & Ludovic De Cuypere (Ghent University) The rise of Hindi ergative marking: A constructional approach
Verroens Filip (Ghent University) The French inchoative se mettre à and the grammaticalisation process
Verveckken Katrien (F.W.O. - K.U.Leuven) Lexical persistence and subjectification in the Spanish Size Noun-constructions
Vezzosi Letizia (University of Perugia) Grammaticalization or lexicalization? The case of the Italian reciprocal marker 'l'un l'altro'
Visconti Jacqueline (University of Genoa) Grammaticalization and (inter)subjectification in the evolution of the Italian negative particle mica
Von Mengden Ferdinand (Universität Hamburg) The Modules of Grammatical Change
Wang Hsiao-mei (National Tsing Hua University) The Grammaticalization of Khuann in Taiwanese Southern Min
Watanabe Kazuha (California State University, Fullerton) Quantitative Analysis of a Current Change in Japanese Aspect
Wesseling Franca (University of Amsterdam) A comparison of grammaticalization processes of serial verb constructions in Ewe and Sinitic
Wiemer Björn (Universität Mainz) Evidential metapredicates - representatives of grammaticalization or lexicalization?
Wischer Ilse (Potsdam University) On the Grammaticalization of Derivational Affixes in English
Yap Foong Ha & Charles Tsz-kwan Lam (Chinese University of Hong Kong) How a pronominal ends up as a conjunctive and sentence-final mood particle: Evidence from Old Chinese er
Yerastov Yuri (University of Calgary) Grammaticalization of postural verbs in Russian: a further point on the cline