Convegno The many forms of the "Decameron". Interpretations, translations and adaptations

Da venerdì 24 aprile 2015 a domenica 26 aprile 2015

Johns Hopkins University


Italian Graduate Conference

The many forms of the "Decameron". Interpretations, traslations and adaptations

Baltimora, 24-26 aprile 2015


Relatori ospiti:
Victoria Kirkham (University of Pennsylvania)
Patrick Rumble (University of Wisconsin – Madison)
Eugenio Refini (Johns Hopkins University)

The conference seeks to explore Boccaccio’s Decameron, its translatability into different media, languages, and historical contexts. The discussion will not be limited to the Decameron and its adaptability, but will also explore the broader concept of translation as well as the relationship between media and authorship, bringing together a network of scholars from various disciplines.

Piazza delle lingue: Lingua e letteratura




Friday, April 24th

(9.30 – 10.30 am) – Exposition of rare books and welcome (Macksey Seminar Room - BLC)

Professor Walter Stephens and Professor Earl Havens will welcome the Conference participants and present some pearls of the Rare books collection at Johns Hopkins University

(9.00 – 11.00 am) Breakfast (Great Hall – Levering)

(11 pm) Opening remarks
Professor Walter Stephens, Charles S. Singleton professor of Italian Studies (Johns Hopkins University)
(11.00 – 12.30 pm) Keynote lecture (Great Hall – Levering)
Professor Walter Stephens, Director of Graduate studies, will present:
Professor Eugenio Refini (Johns Hopkins University), "Many stories he can tell": Translating Boccaccio's Decameron into Music

(12.30 – 1.30 pm) Lunch break

(1.30 – 3 pm) Panel - Inter and intra textuality (Sherwood Room – Levering)
1) LaJoie Ward (Binghamton University), A fitting conclusion: Boccaccio's Griselda tale in the context of speaker, audience and culture

2) Vittoria Luchini (University of Notre Dame), The loquacity of silence in the Decameron: the cases of Alatiel and Masetto

3) Grace Delmolino (Columbia University), Filippa, Francesca, and Boccaccio’s Genealogy of Consent

(3 – 3.30 pm) Coffee break (Great Hall – Levering)

(3.30 – 5 pm) Panel - Reception of the Decameron I (Sherwood Room – Levering)
1) Christina McGrath (Georgetown University), Manipulated, Misrepresented and Maligned: the Censorship and Rassettatura of The Decameron

2) Kyle J. Skinner (Yale University), Boccaccio and Machiavelli's Political Theater

3) Tim Curcio (Rutgers University), Il Boccaccio Cortese: A Decameronian Novella in Chapter 4 of Giovanni Della Casa's Galateo

(5 – 5.30 pm) Coffee break (Great Hall – Levering)

(5.30 – 7 pm) Keynote lecture (Great Hall – Levering)
Professor Eugenio Refini, Director of Undergraduate studies, will present:
Professor Victoria Kirkham (University of Pennsylvania)
Topic: TBA

(7 – 9 pm) KIT (Kairos Italy Theater) (Great Hall – Levering)

Theater performance of three novellas of the Decameron staged by KIT Theater and talk on the work of staging the Decameron with the artistic director Laura Caparrotti (KIT - Kairos Italy Theater:


Saturday, April 25th

(8 – 9.30 am) Breakfast (Great Hall – Levering)

(9.30 – 10.30 am) Panel - Architecture of the Decameron (Sherwood Room – Levering) 
1) Ernesto Virgulti (Professor at Brock University), Looking Inside and Outside the Frame: Structure, Sources and Influence of the Decameron Cornice

2) Lucia Gemmani (Indiana University), Boccaccio's Music: The Ballata in the Decameron's narrative structure

(10.30 – 11) Coffee break (Great Hall – Levering)

(11 – 12.30 pm) Panel - Reception of the Decameron II (Sherwood Room – Levering) 
1) Alice Cavinato (Scuola Normale di Pisa), The author, the scribe and the artist. Conception and realization of the first illustrated Decameron

2) Paolo Rondinelli (Università di Firenze – Accademia della Crusca), Boccaccio nei Proverbi di Francesco Serdonati

(12.30 – 1.30 pm) Lunch break 

(1.30 – 3 pm) Panel - Decameron on screen (Sherwood Room – Levering) 

1) Alberto Iozzia (Rutgers University), The Decameron as literary archetype of post- apocalyptic fiction

2) Irene Cappelletti (Università della Svizzera Italiana), Di quelle beffe che tutto il giorno [...] si fanno: Amici miei e il Decameron 

3) Maria Ann Rogeri (Professor at St. Thomas Aquinas College), The Decameron: Precursor to The Playbook as Seen on the Popular TV Show, “How I Met Your Mother”

(3 – 4.30 pm) Aperitivo / Exhibitions / Screenings (Great Hall – Levering) 
- Decameron VIII.3 – Calandrino e l’elitropia
A short black and white silent movie performed by JHU students and directed by Charles Cohen 
- Professor Giusti from Vassar College will present artworks inspired by the Decameron made by his students, presented for the first time at the 2013 International Conference on Boccaccio in Binghamton.
- Presentation/Exhibit: 
Professor Marina Marietti (Paris III) new novel on Pampinea
Professor Jean Luc Nardone (Toulouse University) new book on Griselda’s tale (Dec.X,10)

(4.30 – 6 pm) Keynote lecture (Great Hall – Levering)
Professor Bernadette Wegenstein, Director of the Center for Advanced Media, will present:
Professor Patrick Rumble (University of Wisconsin – Madison), Filming Boccaccio: Pasolini's Decameron and the Ambitions of Realism

(6 – 8 pm) Screening movie (Great Hall – Levering): Il Decameron by Pier Paolo Pasolini (1971) introduced by Professor Bernadette Wegenstein