Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (Gargnano del Garda, 22-24 giugno 2004)

Da martedì 22 giugno 2004 a giovedì 24 giugno 2004


University of Leicester

Second International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology

22-24 giugno 2004

Villa Feltrinelli, Gargnano del Garda (BS)

Per ulteriori informazioni:
Giovanni Iamartino, Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio e Letterature Straniere Comparate, Università di Milano, piazza S.Alessandro 1, 20123 Milan, Italy
Fax: +39.02.503.13563. Tel: +39.02.50313570
e-mail: giovanni.iamartino@unimi.it


Martedì 22 giugno

09.00 Registration

09.45 Welcoming address

10.00  Plenary lecture
Jean Pruvost (Cergy-Pontoise), La lexicographie française au XXe siècle, un trait d'union et une relance. De Boiste aux deux novateurs, Larousse et Littré

11.00 Coffee-break

11.30 Session 1
Roderick W. McConchie (Helsinki), The unknown Richard Howlet
Paola Tornaghi (Milano Bicocca), Certaine things to be considered corrected in Will. Dugdales Saxon-Lexicon
Paul Luna (Reading), Space to define. The visual articulation of dictionary entries

11.30 Session 2
Peter W. Waentig (Bologna), L'edizione tridentina del Solennissimo Vochabuolista e l'edizione bresciana dell'Opera nuova: un raffronto lessicografico-lessicologico di due opere didattiche italo-tedesche del Cinquecento
Barbara Stein Molinelli (Milano Cattolica), Quale rilevanza può avere un 'Autoren-Wörterbuch' nel lessico di un'epoca? Questioni intorno al Grimmelshausen-Fremdwörterbuch
Chiara Benati (Genova e Arezzo), I fraseologismi verbali in bassotedesco medio: il caso del Sachsenspiegel di Eike von Repgow

13.00  Lunch

15.00 Session 3
Monique C. Cormier e Heberto Fernandez (Montréal), From the Great French Dictionary (1688) of Guy Miège to the Royal Dictionary (1699) of Abel Boyer: tracing inspiration
Elisabetta Lonati (Milano), Blanchardus's Lexicon Medicum in Harris' Lexicon Technicum: a lexicographical and lexicological study
Linda Mitchell (San Jose), The influence of 17th- and 18th-century grammar texts on Johnson's Dictionary

15.00 Session 4
Gilles Roques (Nancy), Comment aborder l'étude des régionalismes lexicaux du français?
Nadia Minerva (Bologna), Les sources et les critères de groupement des 'Vocabolari domestici' des XVIIe et XVIIIe  siècles
Jacqueline Lillo (Palermo), Evolution du lexique politique dans les dictionnaires de Francesco D'Alberti de Villeneuve (1771-1867)

16.30 Coffee-break

17.00   Session 5
Monica Barsi (Milano), La citation d'auteur comme moyen d'opposition dans les dictionnaires de Richelet et Le Roux.
Thora Van Male (Grenoble), The ornamental iconography in Pierre Larousse's Grand Dictionnaire Universel: a 'palazzo mentale' of 19th-century France
Gregory James e Bronson So Ming-cheung (Hong Kong), Three missionary approaches to French-Tamil lexicography: an examination of three 18th-century manuscript dictionaries

17.00  Session 6
Carmen Castillo Peña (Padova), La Nomenclatura de G. Noviliers Clavel: el problema de las fuentes
Viviana Scandola (València), Fonti paremiologiche e fraseologiche del Diccionario de autoridades (1726)

20.00 Dinner

21.30 ISHLL business meeting

Mercoledì 23 giugno

09.30 Session 7
Eric G. Stanley (Oxford), The challenge to lexicographers posed by one difficult Middle English poem
Noel E. Osselton (Durham), Alphabet fatigue in early English dictionaries
Werner Hüllen (Duisburg-Essen), On the pragmatic structures of topical dictionaries

09.30 Session 8
Maria Cecilia Ainciburu (Siena), La construcción histórica del léxico  económico español
Bertha Gutierrez Rodilla (Salamanca), Repertorios de interés lexicográfico en la España medieval
Eva González (Milano), Tradición clásica y sabiduría popular en el Dictionario de Alonso Sánchez de la Balestra (Salamanca, 1587): un ejemplo de labor lexicográfica española en los Siglos de Oro

11.00 Coffee-break

11.30 Plenary lecture
Pedro Alvarez de Miranda (Madrid), Situación actual de la lexicografía histórica del español

13.00 Lunch

15.00 Plenary lecture
Gabriele Stein (Heidelberg), The emergence of lexicology in Renaissance English dictionaries

16.00 Session 9
Charlotte Brewer (Oxford), Eighteenth-century vocabulary and the Oxford English Dictionary
Peter Gilliver (Oxford), The great Un- crisis: an unknown episode in the history of the OED
Carter Hailey (Williamsburg), To "fynde wordes newe": Chaucer's English, lexical growth, and MED first citations

16.00 Session 10
Max Pfister (Saarbrücken), Dal Romanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch (REW) al Lessico etimologico italiano (LEI): la storia delle parole cala 'posto protetto', scalo 'posto', calanca 'dirupo scosceso'
Pietro Beltrami (Pisa), Lessico e informatica nel Tesoro della lingua italiana delle origini
Massimo Fanfani e Marco Biffi (Firenze), Le edizioni storiche del Vocabolario della Crusca in internet

17.30 Coffee-break

18.00 Session 11
Marace Dareau (Edinburgh), DOST: A case study of historical lexicography
John Considine (Edmonton), "A glory for the Danish nation": Matthias Moth and the dictionary project as cultural treasury
Marijke Mooijart (Leiden), Colour names in 19th- and 20th-century Dutch lexicography

18.00 Session 12
Gabriella Cartago (Milano), Il Dizionario di italianismi: francese, inglese, tedesco. Criteri e caratteristiche
Renzo Tosi (Bologna), Interpretamenta autoschediastici nella lessicografia greca antica

20.30 Conference dinner

Giovedì 24 giugno

09.30 Session 13
Julie Coleman (Leicester), Farmer & Henley: Slang and its analogues
Fredric Dolezal (Athens, GA), Writing the history of  English lexicography: is there a history of English lexicography after Starnes and Noyes?
Natascia Leonardi (Macerata), UniversalNet. An electronic edition of the Alphabetical Dictionary and the Philosophical Tables of John Wilkins' Essay

09.30 Session 14
Javier E. Diaz Vera (Castilla-La Mancha), A thesaurus of Old Norse Runes: progress and plans
Juan Gabriel Vázquez González (Huelva), Categorizing enrichment in Old English and Old Icelandic
Tommaso Pellin (Venezia), The introduction of the lexicon of political economy in China. Categories of loanwords and historical background of their coinage

11.00 Coffee-break

11.30  Session 15
Marina Dossena (Bergamo), "In Tartan dress and armour": James Adams' Vindication of the Scottish Dialect (1799)
Heli Tissari (Helsinki), "What a shame! Are you proud of it?" On the Modern English words pride and shame
Laura Pinnavaia (Milano), Idioms in journalese: a synchronic and diachronic study of food and drink idioms in 200 years of The Times

13.00 Lunch

In sintesi

  • Dal 22/06/2004 a 24/06/2004
  • Collaborazione di Crusca



Questa settimana