University Roma Tre
Department of Linguistics
International informal colloquium
July 6-7, 2007
Organized by Raffaele Simone
with the collaboration of Francesca Masini
In recent years, lexicon has imposed itself as one of the central topics of interest for linguistic theory, applied linguistics and computational linguistics. Theoretical studies can find application in dictionary-making as well as in computational and corpus linguistics, that are often closely related to each other. As a result new concepts - such as "collocation" or "word combination" - have been implemented lexicographically, whereas others - like "construction" in its several readings - still wait for a full lexicographic treatment.
The colloquium, which inaugurates the activities of a new research desk on word and the lexicon (TRIPLE - Tavolo di Ricerca sulla Parola e il Lessico) recently created at the Department of Linguistics of the Roma Tre University, aims at fostering the presentation of new ideas and proposals of possible but still not existing dictionaries and the implementation of new theoretical concepts under dictionary form.
The speakers will therefore present in an informal way the layout of new projects for possible dictionaries on the basis of their research experience. Furthermore, a final round table will take place with the participation of major dedicated publishers, thus contributing to create a dialogue between academic research and industrial dictionary production.
The site of the colloquium is currently under construction.
For info please contact Francesca Masini
Tentative programme
A scheduled programme will be circulated within May 2007.
Elisenda Bernal
(Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcellona)
Hacia un diccionario digital de afijos derivativos del catalán
Gaston Gross
(Université Paris 13)
L'actualisation des prédicats dans un dictionnaire
Ulrich Heid
(IMSC, Universität Stuttgart)
Collocazioni e relazioni semantiche in un dizionario in linea per la produzione di testi
Elisabetta Jezek
(Dipartimento di Linguistica, Università di Pavia)
A corpus-driven pattern dictionary of Italian
Alessandro Lenci
(Dipartimento di Linguistica, Università di Pisa)
Encoding the argument structure of predicates: current challenges and future perspectives
Vincenzo Lo Cascio
(Università di Amsterdam)
La rete semantica nei futuri dizionari elettronici bilingui e multilingui
Ricardo Mairal
(UNED, Madrid)
Building a dictionary of lexical and constructional templates in English and Spanish
Carla Marello
(Dipartimento di Scienze letterarie e filologiche, Università di Torino)
Hyperonyms and collective nouns
Salah Mejri
(Laboratoire de Linguistique Informatique [LLI], Université Paris 13)
Le dictionnaire électronique des séquences figées
Stefania Nuccorini
(Dipartimento di Linguistica, Università Roma Tre)
An Italian-English Dictionary of 'phraseologies': is it possibile?
Raffaele Simone e Francesca Masini
(Dipartimento di Linguistica, Università Roma Tre)
Tipologia di costruzioni e rappresentazioni lessicali