Support the Crusca

The Italian language is our history and our future. Support it and support the Accademia della Crusca. Your help will be valuable.

Donation with credit card

Salviamo la Crusca: article and appeal from the newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore
You can help by:

  • a donation with credit card. Click here;
  • a payment on the current account n. 13407507, specifying "Sostegno alla Crusca" in causale;
  • a wire transfer to the current account with IBAN IT88 V061 6002 8321 0000 0046 038 out to the Accademia della Crusca, specifying "Sostegno alla Crusca" in causale. The transfer will be free of bank charges with Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo bank. Transfers made from abroad must specify, together with IBAN, also the SWIFT code: CRFIIT3F;


You can also help the Accademia by being part of the association Amici dell'Accademia della Crusca, starting a subscription with the biannual period La Crusca per voi or buying one of the publications.
For further information:

Accademia della Crusca
Via di Castello, 46 – 50141 Firenze
Tel. 055 454277 Fax 055 454279

Have you already made a donation? Write an e-mail with your name, surname and address to We will be glad to thank you!